Finland continues to rank first in the study, a position they have held for seven years.
The study demonstrated the stark discrepancy in satisfaction between our younger and older populations:
“Americans have a history of unhappiness. Based on responses from people in various nations about how happy they are, the World Happiness Report has never included them in the Top 10. However, this was the first time the consortium had divided the data based on age, revealing differences between the opinions of younger and older Americans. The United States placed 10th for those 60 and older among the 143 nations surveyed, but 62nd for those under 30. Afghanistan has the unhappiest youth, whereas Lithuania has the happiest.”
The results even took one of the co-authors by surprise:
“Co-author of the paper and economist John Helliwell commented in an interview, “I have never seen such a severe change,” in reference to the decline in happiness among younger people. All of this has occurred in the past ten years, mostly in nations that speak English. This drop does not exist in the entire universe.
Why would this be the case now? With an abundance of resources, freedoms, and possibilities, we reside in the best country on the planet. Is that insufficient to elicit a grin from our young adults?
My hypothesis is that Joe Biden and wokeness are to blame for this dramatic drop.
Children today learn at an early age that everything that comes from fossil fuels, including hot showers, aircraft travel, and automobile travel, puts the environment in jeopardy. Green technology has not progressed sufficiently for people to totally avoid these activities (as far as I am aware, there is not a fleet of commercial electric jet airplanes), so people will unavoidably do something for which they will suffer consequences.
They are also taught that minorities are oppressed and will never be treated fairly in this society, and that white people are oppressors and unredeemable. They learn that their country is not great and is inherently prejudiced.
Why should I smile?
They learn that there are no genders, and that everyone can identify as any sex they want. Their education teaches them that, although Christianity is essentially bad, other religions are superior. that prejudice and barbarism have been the foundation of Western civilization for its whole history.
That is just a small portion of the awakened side of things; by no means is it a comprehensive list. Let us go on to Joe Biden, the president of your nation, who you frequently hear saying that half of its people are bad and seek to harm the other half. What would you think you would feel if you believed that? It is not like waking up in the morning.
However, his policies have also severely damaged their aspirations for their own future. Aspirations are collapsing due to inflation and exorbitant interest rates. Purchasing a home with a mortgage rate of over 8% seems like an unattainable goal for many young people who are barely able to make ends meet.
There is not much for young people to be happy about.
There is no avoiding the grim Happiness Report, but there are indications of resistance to Joe Biden and the divisive woke bullshit. Youth are starting to challenge the narrative that is being taught to them in classrooms across the nation, as I have noticed. The dismal polling results for Joe Biden indicate that more and more people are becoming aware of his catastrophic policies and the negative effects of his abrupt shift to the far left in the United States.
Our most valuable resource is our youth, thus, it troubles us to see them with such pessimistic attitudes.