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Democrats Flee From Pelosi In Droves – She’s Not Handling It Well

Democrats Flee From Pelosi In Droves – She’s Not Handling It Well

Democrats were heading into 2022 already at a disadvantage. They lost key seats in the House after the 2020 election. Meanwhile, Republicans added seats. And with Biden failing left and right, Americans are gearing up to strike back against those who are running our country into the ground.

So, Pelosi has a hell of a hard time trying to find a way of keeping her Democrat majority in the House after the midterms. History tells us that a sitting president always loses Congress in this election. And with a “president” like Biden in the White House, Democrats stand to lose so much more.

Now, Democrats have to face an even greater challenge going into 2022. Because a seemingly endless line of top liberals is announcing retirement.

Democratic Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky, the chair of the House Budget Committee, announced Tuesday that he will forgo running for re-election…

“It’s been an incredible journey since my first campaign in 2006 until now,” Yarmuth said. “I will continue to fight for Louisville in Washington for another 15 months, and then, I will retire from Congress.”

In an accompanying video, Yarmuth, 73, said that he never planned to stay in Congress for more than 10 years and that he wanted to spend more time with his family. [Source: Daily Caller]

How odd. Yarmuth announced his retirement, saying he had only planned to stay in Congress for ten years. Yet he’s been in Congress for over ten years. Why the sudden change? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Kentucky is about to redraw its districts? With Republicans in control of the state legislature, it is likely Yarmuth has little chance of winning after they got done redistricting.

After all, this “moderate” was key in helping Biden craft his toxic socialist $3.5 trillion spending bill. Something tells me the folks back home won’t be jumping for joy to re-elect this guy.

Top House Democrats from Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Kentucky announced they are retiring after this session. What do they all have in common? They come from states or districts that lean heavily toward Republicans. And their once “safe” districts could be wiped out after Republicans redistrict.

Oh, and they all blindly supported Biden’s toxic plan this year, which has led to one crisis after another.

These Democrats see the writing on the wall. With each passing day, they watch their re-election chances vanish. And they figure it’s better to retire in dignity than to face a costly loss. These retirements are a nightmare for Pelosi, since it puts their seats up for grabs.

Will Pelosi be able to find replacements and hold onto her slim majority? We can’t say for sure, but it definitely doesn’t look good for the old broad.

Author: Pat Graham

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