According to a Rasmussen Reports study, the Fourth of July is one of the “most important holidays” to over half of Americans (55%) while only 6% think it is among the least important.
The number of Americans who give the holiday a high rating has increased from 53% the previous year. 36 percent of respondents describe the Declaration of Independence’s anniversary as “somewhere in between.”
According to the findings of the poll, “Americans regularly placed the Fourth of July as the second-most significant holiday in the country, right after Christmas.”
However, fewer than a third of American adults (34%) now think the Founding Fathers “would deem the United States to be a success,” a little increase from 27% the year before.
“The percentage of those who believe the Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin, would have thought America failed has dropped from 53% to 40% since last year. According to the report, 26 percent of people are unsure.”
Democrats (42%) are far more inclined than Republicans (29%) and unaffiliated people (31%) to believe that the Founding Fathers would consider the United States of America as it is today to be a success.
According to the study, the figures represent a “reversal from partisan views in 2017, while President Trump was in office,” given that more Republicans (46%) than Dems. (31%) said the Founding Fathers would have a positive opinion of the country.
Nevertheless, Republicans are far more probable (69%) than Dems. (44%) and unaffiliated people (55%) to agree that the Fourth of July is one of the most significant holidays in the country.
Adults under 40, particularly younger women, are less inclined than older Americans to believe that Independence Day represents one of America’s top holidays when grouped by age. Adults who are married are far more probable than adult singles to rate the holiday positively.
Between June 25 and June 27, Rasmussen Reports interviewed 1,153 American adults for the study. At a confidence level of 95 percent, the margin of sampling error is 3%.