According to reports, Tony Bobulinski’s intelligence concerning the business plan the Biden family engaged in with a now-bankrupt CCP-connected energy company was hidden by Timothy Thibault, a former FBI Hunter Biden “point man.” 10% of the deal was “held by H for the big man,” who Bobulinski claims to be President Joe Biden.
Bobulinski reportedly provided the FBI with three cell phones containing encrypted messages between him and the business partners, according to a report published on Sunday in the New York Post. Bobulinski personally met with Joe Biden in 2017 for an hour to discuss “the Bidens’ family business plans with the Chinese. Emails and financial papers… describing the Biden family’s sleazy influence-peddling operation in other nations during Joe’s vice presidency,” Bobulinski also sent to the FBI.
According to reports, Bobulinski spoke with two senior agents during his questioning with the FBI, who then handed him over to William Novak and Garrett Churchill. These operatives allegedly recorded Bobulinski’s interview and supplied a receipt for the digital information he provided.
According to a 2017 email taken from Hunter Biden’s laptop, a commercial agreement involving Bobulinski, the Biden family, and high-ranking Chinese Communist Party members would involve ten percent “held by H for the big guy?” The much-discussed email from May 13, 2017, that referenced “the big guy,” according to Bobulinski, was in fact referring to Joe Biden.
The Post stated that following the interview, “Bobulinski and his attorney were handed Thibault’s cellphone number and informed that he would be their “point man” at the FBI henceforth.” That evening, Bobulinski’s attorney called Thibault, who informed him that he would shortly provide advice on the following steps and if Bobulinski needed to conduct a follow-up interview.
However, the report indicated that neither Bobulinski nor his attorney ever spoke with Thibault. It is important to note that Bobulinski apparently wasn’t ever asked to give a testimony before the Delaware grand jury looking into Hunter.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) was later informed in a congressional hearing by the National Security Division’s associate attorney general, Matthew Olsen, that the agency is looking into Hunter. The question of whether Hunter and allies “violated money laundering, campaign funding, tax, and international lobbying laws, as well as whether Hunter Biden breached federal firearm and other restrictions” is being considered by David Weiss, the US prosecutor hired by Trump.
The president has been involved in at least 17 cases, despite claims to the contrary made seven times by Joe Biden and his staff. 58 percent of Americans think Joe Biden has been involved in his family’s business. Sixty percent of respondents agree that Hunter Biden offered the president “influence and access.”