If you’re paying any attention at all you would’ve realized by now that Dr. Fauci’s 15-minutes of fame is reaching a bitter end as mainstream media propagandists seek to memory hole the entire pandemic. No more is Fauci called upon each and every day to deliver his genius recommendations on establishment news networks, which may have something to do the troubling information we’ve learned as of late i.e Fauci experimenting on dogs, lockdowns being ineffective, etc.
We’ve taken an incredibly turn as a country now that Putin’s invasion into Ukraine has become the only topic in which liberals carry any water for now — and you can probably guess why. Meanwhile, some parts of the U.S. are steal dealing the with aftermath of a two year-long pandemic that’s been proven to be ineffective in preventing death due to COVID-19, according to a John’s Hopkins study.
But now it’s time for Dr. Fauci to pay for his wildly inaccurate findings pertaining to the coronavirus and his recommendations to keep all Americans locked down, silenced, and muzzled — and Sen. Rand Paul is just the man to hold Fauci accountable.
On Monday, the Kentucky Republican and Dr. Fauci’s greatest nemesis introduced an amendment that would completely eliminate Dr. Anthony Fauci’s role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Sen. Paul’s amendment would divide the director role into three separate new institutes.
Rand Paul will present an amendment tomorrow with the health committee that will eliminate Fauci’s position.
“I think we should eliminate his position, divide it into 3, and appoint 3 new directors that will be approvable by the Senate.” pic.twitter.com/I9rH5AVdQd
— Real Mac Report (@RealMacReport) March 14, 2022
Under Paul’s amendment, Fauci’s organization would be divided into three institutes: the “National Institute of Allergic Diseases,” the “National Institute of Infectious Diseases,” and the “National Institute of Immunologic Diseases.”
Directors of these institutes would serve five-year terms and be appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.
Rand’s move comes after the entirety of federal and state governments, along with media operatives, essentially handed over dictatorial powers to Fauci.
Fauci and Paul have repeatedly clashed throughout the pandemic, with the most recent spat being in January. This is the era of Fauci’s narcissism where he claimed to be a direct representative of “science” and any dissent against him was merely attack on science itself. Truly asinine and reeking of religiosity (although we’re positive Fauci would consider himself an atheist).
Here is the full Rand Paul vs. Dr. Fauci exchange.
Rand Paul turns Dr. Fauci into a hot mess. pic.twitter.com/Daq9Wr7KCR
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) January 11, 2022
Fauci shot back that Paul’s criticisms are purely political, which is a convenient rebuttal when one has no other recourse.
The mad scientist went on to blame Sen. Paul for the death threats he and his family have received since the lockdown took hold, again proving his cluelessness.
We’re thrilled to see the Fauci era of American history come to a swift end.
Author: Sebastian Hayworth